
The Secret Cheerleader Vote – #8_(2)

The Secret Cheerleader Vote - #8_(2)


Nikki and Bella decide that she must ask Zane for forgiveness, and for help getting back in good with the rest of the squad.

The Secret Cheerleader Vote – #8

The next day was Sunday, so Zane slept in. He was exhausted from the previous night’s activities and the fitful sleep that followed. He spent the entire night dreaming of the things he had seen. Five girls, naked, all over each other, doing things he never would have imagined. He probably still wouldn’t have believed it if not for the video that Stephanie had taken of the whole thing.

He was hard from the moment he woke up. Not you’re regular morning wood, this was “Holy shit, I can’t believe that happened” hard. Remember that part? Did Ashley really do that? Oh my god, I fucked Ashley too! Okay, technically Ashley fucked me, but still. Wow, he could now legitimately say that he had slept with all of the senior cheerleaders! How many guys could say that? One, that’s how many! And what about Julie? He never knew Julie was into chicks. Even Sara was on that pile. Damn. Zane took a long hot shower to get his “thoughts” under control. It didn’t really work.

Zane knew that with his mind so preoccupied by the subject he’d probably be hard throughout the entire day, he decided to just stay home and relax by the pool for a while. He wasn’t out there for more than half an hour before there was a little knock and the gate swung open. Julie poked her head in, asking if she could join him.

Julie walked over much more tentatively than she usually would. She was a bit afraid of what Zane might be thinking about her right now. Although Zane had known her for most of their lives, he had never seen her like he did yesterday. Sure, he’d seen her naked. He’d seen her in the throes of passion and lovemaking, just never with anyone other than himself. Yesterday he had learned what may be the only secret she’d still kept from him.

They sat and talked for a long time about everything that had happened. The plan had been that the senior girls would burst in while Zane was fucking Nikki. Take a lot of pictures for blackmail purposes. Play a little bit. Really bring out the lesbian in her, if there was one. When Zane refused to fuck her, Carly changed that plan.

Zane had suspected Carly’s interest in girls before, especially after she practically jumped him while he told her about his first time with Natalie. Then, after her party when he was detailing his encounter with Bella, she climbed on him right in her back yard and rode him until they both screamed. At that point he wasn’t sure if she was turned on by his dominating Bella, or the idea of him fucking her, or just her plan coming together so well. As it turns out, she may have been turned on by the idea of fucking Bella herself!

Julie then let Zane in on a little secret about the cheerleaders. A secret that is really no secret to most of the world. There tends to be a little bit of sex play amongst the girls in the tiny skirts. In some cases, maybe more than just a little. Julie to experimenting with some of the girls herself, kissing and touching, but never anything like yesterday. Yesterday she really let loose. She knew that Carly and Ashley had engaged in some much more serious action. Think about big purple. Julie couldn’t help but point out the irony of Carly pulling that huge purple dildo “out of her closet.” He knew there was probably much more than what she was actually telling him.

“Where do you even find something like that?” Julie asked in disbelief as she thought about that big purple monster.

Zane just shrugged his shoulders and said “On the internet I would guess”

Within moments they were on the computer looking up sex toys. They found the standard dildos and vibrators but were almost shocked at some of the other things that were for sale.

Suddenly Julie perked up and practically jumped across the room with excitement.

“Oh my God! Carly’s birthday is Saturday!”

Zane instantly knew where Julie’s mind was going. Thinking of yesterday and what went down with Nikki, Zane’s eyes grew wide in excitement. An evil smile spread across his face as his mind took Julie’s thought one step farther.

Nikki and Bella

On Monday, Zane, Carly, and the rest of the seniors immediately kept their promise to Nikki and began to clear her name in the beating scandal. No one ever actually said that it was all Bella’s doing, but everyone understood that. The atmosphere that had surrounded Nikki began to shift. It was subtle, but Bella was definitely the target now.

Zane, in the meantime decided to exert his newfound power over Nikki. He had no intention of humiliating her in front of her friends or the rest of the school. He also had no intention of forcing her into any kind of sexual situation, yet. He already had long term plans for that. But for now, he actually became very friendly with her. Even Bella noticed the sudden change in their interactions.

What he did want was information. He demanded that Nikki give him IDs and passwords to all of her email and social media accounts. He wanted full access to any form of communication she had, even her cell phone, whenever he demanded it. Nikki began to protest for about thirty seconds. Zane pulled up a single photo on his phone and showed it to her. Nikki then gave him everything he wanted. Zane gave her a smile and a quick peck on the cheek.

“Good girl” he said.

The softening of relations between Zane and Nikki was not lost on Bella.

“Did you sleep with him?” Bella asked.

“Of course I did!” Nikki yelled back at her. “I had to!”

“What? Why?” Bella asked.

“For getting him beat up! What do you think?” Nikki answered.

“That wasn’t your fault! You didn’t have to sleep with him!” Bella added.

“No… it was yours! YOU should be sleeping with him!” Nikki replied.

Why had Nikki said that? She hadn’t slept with Zane. Zane had very purposefully not slept with her. She had thought he was a total dick before that, but then he turned out to be a decent guy, sort of. He did still have all those pictures of her, and she was basically his own personal little slave girl now, but she didn’t feel like he was going to use her for sex. Imagine that. The seniors however, were a different story. She was their personal slave girl too, and they almost exclusively wanted to use her for sex, although admittedly, she kind of liked that.

Nikki had never really spoken up to Bella before, at least not to her face. She found it felt good. This was all Bella’s fault and she knew it. Maybe Bella would get the same treatment she had gotten? That might be fun, to watch at least. Nikki did always admire Bella’s tight little tummy, and that little bubble butt. She found herself thinking about Bella naked. She’d bet the seniors would love to take their time seeing how many times they could make Bella scream. She just smiled to herself.

Bella tried to put up an outraged front against Nikki and her accusations, but it just didn’t hold up. Bella had betrayed Stephanie by telling the secret she swore to keep. She had also betrayed Nikki by using her to spread that information. She didn’t plan the details of her plot very well however, and now all fingers were starting to point back at her.

At that point Bella did something she rarely ever did. She apologized to Nikki. Bella wanted so badly to be cheer captain and she knew that her time was running out. At the beginning of the year she believed that she was a lock for captain. Her and Stephanie. Sure things. They were the queen bees. The most popular. Everybody’s favorites. She had never even considered any other outcome. Then Zane came along.

How the hell did that even happen anyway? This secret vote thing came out of nowhere, she’d never heard of it before, no one had. But even that really didn’t matter, the secret vote was just in case of a tie. The real problem was that Zane could influence all of the seniors to vote for or against whoever he didn’t like and never even need a tie breaker. And since right now all signs were pointing to the fact that he got beat up because of her, she couldn’t imagine he liked her very much, not that he ever had in the first place. As far as she knew, there was still only one answer. The one he had already offered her.

Nikki and Bella talked. They talked for hours. They talked all day. Nikki was almost amused at how desperate Bella was. She almost felt sorry for her.

Bella asked at one point. “What do you think I should do?”

Nikki answered. “What can you do? If Zane tells the seniors not to vote for you then they won’t. You’ll end up just another senior squad member. The new captains will probably end up being Stephanie and, I don’t know maybe Natalie or even Julia. You know he’s dating her now right? Zane is probably your only answer. If you really want it, you’re going to have to apologize to him, and beg him to get the seniors to vote for you”

Bella reflected on that briefly then responded. “Yeah I know what kind of apology he wants…”

“Oh no you don’t, you have NO idea” Nikki thought to herself.

Nikki let out a heavy, exasperated sigh. “Oh so what, what’s the big deal? You fuck him once, he gets the seniors to vote for you, you get into the school you want and you never have to see him again, everybody’s happy.”

Bella contemplated that for a while. Would that work? Would her really convince the seniors to vote for her, after all this? Could he convince them to vote for her after all this? Is that all he’d want? He still had all those pictures of her. And that video! Which she still hadn’t seen! He already had everything he needed to blackmail her forever. She wondered why he hadn’t already?

“It doesn’t even matter now anyway, I doubt he’d even talk to me. I probably couldn’t even get near him if I wanted to.” Bella said.

Nikki sighed. She thought about it for a few moments, then said “Let me talk to him. He’s kind of forgiven me, maybe I can convince him to at least listen to you”

Nikki told Zane all about her conversation with Bella.

He asked “Why did you tell her you slept with me?”

She answered “I don’t even know, it just popped out, then I had to go with it”

“What did she say?” he asked.

“Not much. She was a little stunned for a few seconds and then just kind of gave up”

Zane already knew from reading her texts and emails that she wasn’t lying. He’d been following their texts. Their conversation had continued via text. He knew Bella was desperate. Nikki was being a true and faithful little servant.

Zane also knew that the seniors were planning a “special” birthday party for Carly on Friday, and it was going to be right next door at Julie’s house. This gave him an idea. He told Nikki that if Bella really wanted to apologize to him, and she was serious, to bring her by his house on Friday after practice.

Happy birthday Carly

When the cheer squad finished their practice on Friday night, Julie and Carly rushed home to Julie’s house, they were excited for the party. It was going to be a relatively small, private birthday party for Carly and a few friends. NO boys! That’s what Julie had told her parents, who were going to be away until the Sunday.

True to her word, no boys were even invited. This night was just for the girls, and all the girls who had been in the pile last week were invited. Plus, a few more who they knew would appreciate a nice bonding experience with “just the girls.” It was going to be THAT kid of party.

Zane also rushed home that evening. He was expecting company as well. He hadn’t told Julie or Carly what he expected to be going down at his house, but if things went according to plan, they would find out soon enough.

When he saw the girls arrive home, he waited for a few minutes, then grabbed the wrapped package from his room and stepped through the back fence for a quick visit before their party got started. Julie was excited to see him, and the package he was carrying. They quickly sat Carly down in the living room and presented her with her very special birthday gift. They wanted to give it to her before everyone else arrived.

Carly’s birthday wasn’t actually until the next day, but the celebrating had started already. She had been getting little gifts all day. Bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and cute little cheerleader trinkets, but now she was excited. Julie was bouncing up and down she was so excited, she couldn’t keep still, which made Carly even more excited.

Finally, Zane sat down next to Julie, handed Carly the box and said.

“This is from both of us”

Carly grabbed the box and slowly untied the pretty little bow. Then she tore into the wrapping like a toddler at Christmas. She finally opened the flaps, pulled aside the packing tissue and let out a loud audible gasp. She took in a deep breath as her hand flew up to cover her mouth and she slapped the box closed again, quickly looking around the room as if to make sure no one else was there. She just looked at Zane and Julie with eyes the size of beach balls and her hand over her mouth.

Zane was laughing with a grin from ear to ear. Julie just kept clapping her hands with excitement. Carly opened the box again and stared in amazement at her gift.

“Try it on, try it on, try it on” Julie urged.

Carly pulled out her new toy and she and Julie began to figure out how it worked. Zane just cracked up watching them try to figure it out. He didn’t have long before all the other girls started arriving, both here and at his house. He wished Carly a happy birthday and gave her a quick kiss. She thanked him over and over and said she couldn’t wait to use it.

Zane said “I’m sure you’ll get a chance before the night is over.” Then he excused himself to get home and wait for his own guests.

If she knew what he had planned, she would have been even more excited.

Friday night Parties

At home, Zane watched the other cars pulling up to Julie’s house and who was getting out. Ashley, Sara and Stephanie all arrived together. They had become fast friends in the last week. He saw Alexis, another of the juniors, arrive with another girl. He couldn’t see who that was. Then he saw a gaggle of about five girls, all sophomores, and even a freshman or two. The only one he recognized was Chloe. There may have been more, but that’s all he saw before his own doorbell rang.

Zane stepped over and opened the door. As expected he found Nikki with a big smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes. She was clearly proud of herself for delivering his prey. Zane smiled and snickered as he gave her a little hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. He pretty much ignored Bella standing right there with her, then invited them in.

Bella offered Zane a weak smile as she stepped past. He smiled back as he checked her out from head to toe. She was wearing a light, loose-fitting top, and a short little skirt that hugged her ass perfectly. Hopefully with nothing else underneath. He was going to enjoy this.

Zane led the girls downstairs to the rec-room off the pool deck and offered them drinks. Nothing alcoholic at the moment as his parents had locked up all the liquor. They had gone to the city to catch a play, so he didn’t expect them back until very late, if they didn’t decide to stay the night in the city as they often did. He passed out drinks, then plopped himself down in one of the big reclining chairs.

Nikki was sitting all the way back on one of the couches, but Bella was fully upright on the edge or her seat. Zane waited for a few moments, looking from Nikki to Bella then back. The three of them just silently glancing back and forth.

Eventually Zane looked at Bella and said, “So…” and then waited.

Another moment of silence passed. Bella closed her eyes, let out a heavy sigh, and dropped her head to her chest. She looked up to Zane with pleading eyes and began.

“Zane I’m so sorry. Really. I never meant for any of this to happen, I …”

Zane interrupted her. “Yes you did! You knew exactly what would happen”

“No really! I swear!” she answered.

“You swore to Stephanie that you wouldn’t tell ANYONE her secret, remember? But you blabbed to Nikki pretty damned quick, didn’t you?” Zane said. “You’re promises don’t mean anything”

“Nikki’s our best friend, Stephanie had to know I would tell her. If Nikki had been there she still would have told us that she’d slept with you. I’d have told Stephanie if Nikki told me her secret and they both know it!” Bella fought back.

Zane just looked at her, shook his head, and rolled his eyes.

“I’ll bet you got a real laugh thinking about them dragging me off to the hospital too didn’t ya?” he asked.

Again, Bella just hung her head.

“I really didn’t think anyone was going to get beat up. I swear to God. I didn’t know Nikki was going to run off and tell Anthony. Trust me, the last person I was thinking about was YOU” she said.

Zane looked at Nikki and they both nodded in agreement at that statement. That, at least, was truest thing she had said so far, maybe ever! She wasn’t thinking of anyone but herself.

“Yeah I can believe that” he said.

Zane sat quietly for a moment, letting Bella stew in her own misery just a bit. He could tell she was defeated. She wasn’t even trying to lie any longer. She had no more moves to make, no more threats. All she could do was beg for forgiveness and see how badly he wanted to torture her. She didn’t realize that she hadn’t even started begging yet.

Bella just sat there quietly with nothing further to say. The three of them sat there awkwardly gazing from one to the other again, waiting for someone to speak. Zane didn’t mind letting her sweat it out. He wanted to hear her actually beg. Finally, Zane stood up, looked to Bella and said,

“Okay so, is that all you wanted? Are we done?”

Bella and Nikki exchanged glances, speaking volumes without saying anything. Nikki kept making little hand gestures and urging Bella to speak up. Bella kept gesturing right back, seemingly reluctant, maybe embarrassed, ashamed, or perhaps to proud to speak up. Regardless, she just couldn’t bring herself to speak up and just ask Zane what she knew she needed to ask.

Nikki decided to take matters into her own hands and speak right up for her.

She said “Oh for fuck’s sake, Zane, Bella needs your help to get the rest of the squad to get over this whole thing and start talking to her again, like you did for me.”

She added a little wink, which Bella didn’t see.

Zane smiled back at her, then responded “Oh… well why didn’t you just say so?”

“She’s afraid to ask you” Nikki responded.

“Why?” he asked

“Because I know what you want” Bella answered under her breath, with a sneer. Even after all this she was still being a bitch.

“Oh no…” Zane said. “That’s if you want to be captain. This is something entirely different. There’s a whole different price for this.” He said.

You could see the air go out of her. More? He wants MORE? What more could he possibly want from her? Again, Nikki spoke right up.

“She’ll do anything you want just name it”

Nikki was getting into this! After all these years, was she finally enjoying the idea of a little payback for her best friend? Just like everybody else.

Bella shouted at her “NIKI!! …”

“What?” Niki shot back. “You want everyone to forgive you, you want to be captain so you can get into your school… you know there’s only one way that’s gonna happen so just do it already!”

Zane just stood there watching this exchange go back and forth. Bella still desperate to come up with ANY other solution. Nikki clearly enjoying pushing Bella into it. He couldn’t have asked Niki to perform any better.

Finally, defiantly, Bella just spat out “Fine, just fuck me and let’s get this over with already”

Zane just looked at her with his eyebrows raised as if she had just offered him a dollar to carry her bags up to her room.

“Excuse me? That’s how you ask me to help you? You really just think you’re entitled to anything you want, don’t you? I wouldn’t fuck you right now if you paid me.” He shot back at her.

Bella deflated and let out a heavy sigh, again. Still she curled her lip and rolled her eyes in disgust. She just couldn’t arrive at the fact that she had no control over anything any longer.

Nikki asked Zane to leave the two of them alone for a minute so she could talk to Bella. Zane agreed and walked down the hall into the guest bedroom. Once he was out of the room Nikki just told Bella where she stood.

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked Bella. “Why are you STILL being such a little bitch?”

“Because, he’s so fucking smug about it. HE’s the one who thinks he can just have whatever he wants” Bella answered.

“That’s because he can! He fucking owns you right now and you know it. The way it stands right now you get NOTHING. No votes, no captain, no school, and your dad rides your ass for the whole next year” Nikki said.

What Nikki knew, and not too many other people did, was that Bella’s dad was a real asshole. All he ever did was workout and train other people. Naturally, he also trained his girls. He expected them to work hard and succeed at everything they do. Set a goal, and achieve it. If they didn’t, then they didn’t work hard enough. Then he would show them what hard work was. He was the reason she didn’t really have her friends over to her house all that often. He was a real ballbuster, and her older sister was already a star athlete at a major university, so all his focus now was on Bella.

Bella had offers from some schools, but she desperately wanted her top choice, and so did her dad. She knew that making captain would clinch a full scholarship for her. If she didn’t make captain, who knew.

Mentioning her dad was the straw that broke Bella’s spirit. She didn’t want to have to deal with that shit for the entire next year.

“Fine. I’ll fuck him and I’ll act happy about it. Let’s just get this over with” Bella said again, with the same disdain she had said it with earlier.

“Ugh…” Nikki said. “You see that right there? THAT’s what pissed him off. You need him Bella. You need to fuck him. You need to make him think he’s the greatest lover you’ve ever had, and if you keep up that fucking attitude he’s just going to kick you out again, and then you’ll really be fucked. You’re going to just do whatever he tells you to do, and you’re going to keep on doing it until you sign with your school. Then you can go off to college and never have to see him again. But for right now, he fucking owns you”

The same deal he had with Nikki.

“I’m not going to be his fucking booty call for the next fucking year!” Bella yelled back at her.

“Yes you are!” Nikki yelled back. “If that’s what he wants, then yes, you are. If you want all the things you say you want then you’re going to do whatever he wants until he’s done with you. Otherwise I don’t want to hear you fucking whine about it for the next year. If you had just fucked him at Carly’s party the first time this all would have been over by now. You know they vote for captain NEXT weekend at Nationals right? You don’t have time to figure out something else. Just get in there and fuck him.”

Nikki didn’t give Bella any time to think. She grabbed Bella by the hand, pulled her down the hall, walked into the bedroom with Zane, and shut the door behind them.

Breaking Bella

When they came into the room, Zane was sitting up against the head of the bed in just his shorts and a t-shirt, playing with his phone. Nikki was beaming. Bella just stood there for a moment as if STILL deciding what to do. Zane kept tapping on his phone as if he was texting, but he actually turned on the camera and began recording.

Nikki gave Bella a sharp nudge from behind and said “Speak up”

Bella hesitated, but finally spoke up. “Listen Zane, I really NEED to be captain. If I make captain I can get a full scholarship to my dream school. Don’t you have a dream school?”

She started going on and on about her school and her dad and her sad sorry life. How nobody understands her or likes her and bla bla bla. He stopped listening. She clearly hoped to make him feel sorry for her. All she was doing was giving more and more reasons that she needed his help. Let’s get naked bitch!

Again, Nikki gave her a hard nudge.

Bella paused for a moment, then continued. “Zane I’ll do whatever you want. Just please help me. You know I deserve to be captain.”

“Deserve?” he sneered at her. “You deserve it? Why? For fucking over all your friends since seventh grade? For treating everyone like shit if they don’t do what you ask? For teasing and hitting on everyone else’s boyfriends just for your own amusement? Or maybe just for using everyone as long as it works out for YOU. Is that why you deserve it?”

Zane wasn’t sure if she was on the verge of tears, ready to explode, or if she was trying to formulate her own stinging comeback to his accusations.

Nikki gave her another little shove. Bella let her fight go. She exhaled all her anger as her shoulders dropped again in defeat.

Zane just looked at her. “I don’t know” He answered. “You just don’t seem like you really want it that bad.” He still had his camera on her.

“Zane PLEASE! I’ll do anything you want. You want to fuck me? Fine I’ll fuck you. You want pictures? I’ll take more pictures. Please! Anything” she said.

He still didn’t seem impressed. He was waiting for something. “Meh” he said.

“ZANE! … PLEASE! … FUCK ME, use me, do whatever you want, I’ll do anything. I NEED this!” she pleaded.

Zane smiled back at her. That was the begging that he wanted. He told Carly that she would beg for it.

“Anything?” He asked.

She was broken. Bella collapsed into herself and whispered in reply “Yeah… whatever you want”

Nikki smiled at Zane and quietly pumped her fist behind Bella’s back.

Zane got up and said “Okay. The first thing you need to do is call home and tell your parents you’re going to be staying at a friend’s house tonight”

Bella closed her eyes and sighed, but pulled out her phone and started dialing.

Zane turned to Nikki and said “You too”

Taking Bella

Nikki was dutifully obedient. She immediately pulled out her phone and made the call. They both said they would be staying at each other’s homes overnight. Zane walked up to Bella, wrapped an arm around her waist, pulled her close and kissed her. Surprisingly, Bella returned that kiss. He didn’t expect that.

Zane pointed the camera at her and asked “You’re sure you want to do this?”

She started to protest “NO, no more pictures! Don’t you have enough already? And that fucking video that I’ve never seen? No more!”

He tilted his head and frowned at her. He let her go, then opened the door and held it open for her as if to say, “You’re free to leave if you want”

Bella gave. “Fine, whatever you like.”

Zane closed the door again. He asked her again. “Are you sure?”

“Yes” she answered.

Zane looked at Nikki, who was smiling and taking in this whole thing. She knew he was about to give Bella the same rules he had given her. Nikki wasn’t going to be the only slave in Zane’s harem.

Zane turned to Bella and started to tell her the new rules.

“From now on, you do WHATEVER I say… ALL … THE … TIME. … Understood?”

Bella thought about objecting, but didn’t. “Alright” she said.

“Bella … I mean ANYTHING… I SAY. any time at all. That means at school, or at games, if I just run into you at the mall, or in the hallway between classes, even if I just text you while you’re at home … you do what I tell you to do. Do you understand?” he said.

Bella stood there staring at him with her mouth open.

“Do. You. Understand?” He asked again.

She exhaled and just nodded her head.

“Good” he said. “Now take off your clothes”

He turned to Nikki and again said “You too”

The two girls started to strip. Bella looked on as Nikki started taking her clothes off. She looked to Zane, surprised, and started to say something.

Zane anticipated what she had to say and cut her off. “Bella, no more talking. Just strip”

She hesitated for a moment then pushed her skirt to the floor.

Zane was not disappointed. Bella looked amazing. He forgot how perfectly fit she was. Now he knew why, her father probably trained her until she couldn’t move. The perfect six pack, those perky breasts standing right up waiting for his attention, that tight, perfect little ass. He was going to enjoy this so much.

Zane walked over and lay Nikki on one side of the bed.

“You can stay over here for now” he said, as he handed her his phone, the camera still recording. Nikki knew what to do. Then Zane lay Bella down in the middle of the bed, stripped his own clothes off, and climbed right up on top of her.

His mouth immediately went to her nipples. He started to lick and suck and squeeze, taking his time. Every now and then he would move back up and kiss her on the mouth. Bella, it seems, had resigned herself to what was happening and kissed right back. In no time at all their tongues were mingling, Zane’s hands were all over her body, and Bella wrapped her arms around him pulling him close and tight.

Zane had to have more of her incredible body. He pushed her back down, kissed his way back down to her breasts and stopped there for a while. His fingers went straight between her legs and started touching and teasing and pulling. When she started to moan, he pushed three fingers up inside her.

Bella let out a scream. She was so tight, and wet. As Zane pushed his fingers inside her, her pussy clenched and grabbed at them, almost pulling them deeper into her. She also wrapped her arms so tight around him he could barely move. He found a way. Zane wanted to take his time with her but just could not help himself. He kissed his way down that tight tummy until his lips traced her pussy from bottom to top. Bella moaned loudly and clenched her legs around his head.

Bella’s hands grabbed Zane by the hair and held him right where he was. She squirmed and thrust as he licked and probed her pussy. He buried his tongue inside her, then pushed and probed until she screamed. And she did scream. She threw her head back and screamed and moaned the whole time. Nikki cuddled up close to her, stopped recording, and started massaging Bella’s tits. Bella almost didn’t even notice, as that was the moment Zane’s other hand found her clit.

Zane worked his tongue inside her. He worked his hands on her clit. Bella bucked and thrashed and pulled his face against her pussy. When she had finally given up, she had decided that she might as well just let it happen and enjoy it if she could, and she definitely was. While Zane was driving her to the edge, Nikki placed her mouth on Bella’s nipples.

The combination of Zane’s tongue inside her, his fingers tweaking her clit to the point that she couldn’t breathe, and Nikki suddenly licking and sucking on her nipples set Bella over the edge. She let out a scream that was almost a whimper, and then grabbed Nikki and held her tight against her breasts. Her legs started to shake and she almost exploded in orgasm. Her juices started to flow over Zane’s face and he started lapping up every drop. Bella moaned continuously for the next few minutes.

Now Bella didn’t care about anything else, she wanted more. She pushed Zane from between her legs and up against the headboard. Then she straddled him and planted her mouth on his. It was a frenzy. When he could, he quickly looked at Nikki and indicated for her to start recording again. Bella pulled herself up so her pussy rubbed against the tip of Zane’s cock.

Bella closed her eyes, leaned against Zane’s shoulder, and drove herself down onto him. As his cock drove up into her, both Zane and Bella let out a tremendous moan. Zane could not believe how tight she was, even though she was so wet. Her pussy clenched around him trying to prevent this intrusion. He could barely get inside her. He reached his hands around her lower back, grabbed her just above her tight little ass cheeks and drove himself the rest of the way into her.

Bella screamed. Zane pulled back and thrust into her again. Again, how could she be so tight?

Zane stopped for a moment, still inside her, looked into her eyes and asked “Holy fuck! … Bella … are you a virgin?”

Zane had fucked a few virgins. He had fucked a few non-virgins. This sure felt like a virgin to him.

With a grimace, Bella rose and then drove down onto him again and answered through gritted teeth “of course not” then buried her head against his shoulder again and continued.

He wasn’t sure he believed her, but if she wanted to claim she wasn’t, then he would fuck her like she wasn’t. He held those hips tight and thrust into her hard, again. Bella grunted and moaned with every thrust. When he was all the way in she would grind her hips against his and squeeze tight. If she WAS a virgin then she sure knew what she was doing somehow. The two of them continued thrusting hard against each other, screaming, moaning and grunting the whole time. And Nikki recorded every moment.

They were both getting so close now. Zane rolled Bella over on her back and pulled her legs up. He leaned forward far over her, lifting her ass up off the bed, and he drove himself as deep into her as he could. Bella just screamed. Zane began to pound himself into her as hard and fast as he could. Bella closed her eyes, threw her head back and waited for him to finish.

Finally, he did. Zane leaned up against her even as he drove every inch of himself all the way up inside her. His balls resting against her ass, he unloaded deep inside her. When she felt him shoot inside her, Bella’s eyes popped open. Zane kept on shooting. Twice. Three times. Four! he never even thought about it. He had told her, he hates condoms, and he had no intention of pulling out. Bella could feel his cum inside her, practically beginning to leak out of her already as he continued to pound. She lay back until he finally finished.

Zane collapsed on top of her for a moment, and then rolled off next to her. Bella could feel all of his seed slowly seeping out of her. He wrapped and arm around her and kissed her again. Clearly, he was satisfied.

For her part, Bella was completely spent. She had never been fucked like that before. It was incredible. As much as she hated the whole situation, and him, her immediate thought was “Oh my god I need to do that again”

Nikki stopped recording.

The three of them lay there just breathing for a while.

After about ten minutes, Zane rolled off the bed and stood up. He gathered his phone from Nikki, then said.

“Well Bella, I think you have definitely earned forgiveness. After that, you definitely deserve to be captain.”

Zane quickly put his clothes on, the reached out a hand to help Bella up off the bed.

He said “Why don’t we go talk to the seniors and make sure that’s going to happen for you”

Bella didn’t understand what he meant. Go talk to the seniors? Now? She reached down for her clothes.

Zane gently took her hand and said “No no, you won’t need those”

Holding her hand, he pulled her out the bedroom door and through the rec-room. He nodded at Nikki to follow along, which she did. As Zane opened the back door and started to walk outside, Bella balked.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

Zane looked at her and explained. “You know it’s Carly’s birthday tomorrow right? All of the seniors are next door at Julie’s house right now having a private little party. I thought we could go over there right now and I’ll tell them all to vote for you for captain. That is what you wanted right?”

Bella thought about it for a second, but then still balked.

“I’m not going over there naked!” she protested.

Zane scowled at her, still holding her hand tight.

He winked at Nikki and said “It’s alright, I guarantee they’re all naked too”

“What?” she said, not understanding at all. Nikki snickered. She knew they probably were all naked!

“I’m not running around your neighborhood naked!” Bella demanded.

“Bella, what were the rules I explained to you earlier?” he asked.

Bella’s eyes pleaded with him not to make her go wandering around his neighborhood completely naked.

He said “ANYTHING… I say… WHENEVER… I tell you”

Again, her eyes begged him.

He continued. “Bella, you don’t seem to understand what I meant by that. When I said anything, I meant ANYTHING. I OWN you now. If you disobey me even once I will start sending pictures and video out to everyone you know. And that includes your boyfriend, and your DADDY, and that school you want to go to so badly. You won’t get into ANY school. You’ll wind up dancing on a pole at some stanky strip club for the rest of your life, is that what you want?”

Now it really sunk in. Bella couldn’t even think. Nikki, standing behind her mouthed “wow”, she realized that he had the same hold on her. Zane barely glanced at her.

Bella whispered in a voice so low he could barely hear her, “Fine” and then started to follow him out the door.

Zane was satisfied that she now fully understood. He stopped just outside the door, seemed to think about it for a moment, then walked back inside.

He looked at poor Bella, taking pity on her and said “Alright, you can wait here. I’ll go bring the seniors over here to talk”

He led the girls back into the bedroom and told them they should wait there. Then he gathered up their clothes and left the room. They could hear him walk up the stairs as they sat waiting. Nikki sat up close to Bella and put an arm around her shoulder.

Bella pulled away and barked at her “This is YOUR fault. Just do it you said, how bad could it be you said. And there you sit recording the whole fucking thing. Now I’m going to be his own personal plaything for the rest of time!”

“You think I WANTED to?” Nikki spat back. “He did the same thing to me! He’s got video of me that’s way worse than what you just did!” That was true, he had video of Nikki in the middle of an orgy. Even though Nikki had enjoyed watching Zane have his way with Bella, she felt sorry for what she had done. Nikki started crying. Bella sat for a moment, and then hugged her back.

A few moments later Zane walked back in the room.

He looked to Bella and said to her “I’m going to let you wait here, but I have to make sure you’re not going to leave while I’m gone.”

This time it was Nikki who started to get defiant.

She spoke up to him and said “How could we possible go anywhere? You took our clothes, you took our keys, what are we going to do, walk home naked?”

Was she going to be a problem? He was going to leave her here with Bella, but now he might have to rethink that.

He picked up his phone and looked at her. “Nikki, is this going to be a problem for you?”

She backed down quickly. “No” she said.

He told Bella to lay on her stomach on the bed. He then pulled both her hands up to the metal headboard, snaked a pair of handcuffs through the metal bar and snapped them around both her wrists. Bella’s eyes opened wide as she looked at him.

He said to her, “It’ll only be a few minutes while I go next door, I promise.”

She buried her head in the pillow. He then slid his hands down her legs and, with a couple of neckties he also brought from his room, he tied her ankles to the opposite sides of the bed. That should keep her from going anywhere.

With that, he told Nikki to stay there with Bella, and that he would only be a few minutes.

Sharing Bella

Zane left the girls there and quickly walked next door to Julie’s house. He went through the back gates, gave a quick knock on the back door, then let himself in. The possibility of walking in on what he had walked in on last week excited him, especially since he knew there were even more girls here tonight. Some who might be very tempting.

As he walked around the doorway into the living room he saw… nothing special. All the girls were gathered around the kitchen table drinking and laughing and just your standard party. They had just finished opening presents. Nothing “fun” had even started. How boring.

Sara saw him first and came running over to jump on him and give him a big kiss. Julie and Carly quickly followed. They all kissed and hugged and said hello. Carly was ready to start showing him all of the kinky new birthday presents the girls had gotten her, but he stopped her. He had an even better gift for her.

He looked around and found Stephanie and Ashley, because they had to be in on this too. Then the six of them gathered over in a corner for a private conversation. He told them that he would need them all to come over to his house for a little while because they had something to discuss. Julie started to complain that it was her party, so she should really stay here with her guests. Zane stopped her. He tapped on his phone, brought up the last minute or so of the video Nikki had recorded and hit play.

He handed the phone to Carly and said “Happy Birthday” with a huge smile.

Carly took the phone, looked at it for a moment, people fucking, typical Zane. Then she realized who it was.

Her eyes bulged, she drew in a loud breath, and she screamed “OH MY GOD!”

She turned to look at him. Looked back at the video. Back at Zane.

“NO FUCKING WAY!” she yelled.

Now the other girls were catching on to what they were seeing. The gasps had everyone in the room rushing over to see what the big deal was. Carly clasped the phone to her chest to keep it away from prying eyes and told them all it was private. Zane told them all they could see it later.

Carly immediately wanted details, and so did all the rest of them. How? When? Where?

Zane told them “About 15 minutes ago. She still over at my house right now handcuffed to the bed. Which is why I need you ALL to come over for a few minutes. I told her I would talk to you all about voting for her for captain.” He smiled. Carly smiled. Julie smiled. They all smiled.

Julie went over to the rest of the girls and explained that she had to go next door for a short time but would be back soon, and to please just keep on going and help themselves to anything they wanted.

Carly couldn’t stop replaying the last few moments of the video as Zane filled poor Bella full of cum.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God” she kept saying.

Zane gently took the phone from her.

With a huge smile, he said to her again “Happy birthday”

Then he added “Now it’s YOUR turn. Don’t forget to bring your birthday gift”

Carly had to think about that for a moment before it dawned on her. If her eyes lit up when she first saw the video, they absolutely sparkled now. Carly ran for the bedroom.

As the six of them were on their way out the back door headed to his house, Zane saw something that gave him yet another brilliant idea to make the night complete. He grabbed it and pulled the door closed behind them.

A few minutes later all of the seniors, and Stephanie, had pulled the chairs in the rec-room into a tight little circle. They weren’t sure what to do next. They sat and discussed while Zane went to retrieve his new toy.

Zane opened the door and greeted his girls. They didn’t really seem happy.

“Oh cheer up” he said. “I’m going to untie you now. But before I do, I have something for you!”

As he said this, he slipped his hands down and wrapped the dog collar he had taken from Julie’s house around her Bella’s neck. Bella didn’t know what to think.

“What the fuck?” she yelled.

“Eh eh eh…” Zane said. “You know the rules”

Bella closed her mouth, closed her eyes, and surrendered.

Zane undid the handcuffs, untied her legs, and helped her up. Bella would hardly look at him. He clipped the leather leash he had grabbed to Bella’s collar and led her out the door and into the rec-room. Nikki followed along.

Bella froze when she saw all the seniors, AND Stephanie, gathered in the middle of the room waiting.

Zane gave a tug on the leash and pulled her up in front of her teammates as she desperately tried to cover herself up with her hands.

He said, “Ladies, my new pet would like to apologize to you for the mayhem she has caused the squad over these last few weeks”

He gave Bella a little nudge.

“I’m sorry” she said, almost inaudibly.

Carly looked around the group. They all sat there staring in amazement at Bella, naked, tied to a dog leash and being led around by Zane like a pet. They all nodded. A few moments passed.

“Well…” Carly said. “I can forgive you. And I’m sure the other seniors can forgive you, after all we’ll all be gone next year, none of this will really affect us after next weekend. But we’re not really the one’s you need to apologize to.”

All the seniors nodded in agreement. Then, one by one, they all turned to Stephanie.

Carly looked at Bella and asked “Did you apologize to Zane?”

Bella looked at Carly and barked “I’m naked and tied to a fucking dog leash, what do YOU think?”

Zane pulled the end of the leash closest to her neck tight, then took the other end and whipped it across her ass, making a loud smack. All the girls, especially Bella, jumped.

“HEY!” he said, “You’re asking these girls to do something for you, you be more respectful or I’ll tell them exactly how to vote. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”

Quietly she answered “Yes… I’m sorry”

Zane returned his attention to the seniors. “Yes, she gave me a VERY heartfelt apology and I have completely forgiven her”

“Okay…” Carly said, then waited for a moment. “What about Stephanie?”

Suddenly everyone was staring at Stephanie. It took her a moment, but then she played along, folding her arms across her chest and waiting for Bella to speak up.

At first Bella froze. She had to fuck Zane for forgiveness, what did they expect her to do with Stephanie? When it was evident that they were waiting for her to say something, she did not hesitate at all. She looked at Stephanie and just let go.

“Steph I am so sorry. I never should have told Nikki. You know the three of us have always shared everything, I didn’t think you’d mind. I should have told her not to tell anyone. I shouldn’t have told her anything at all, I never meant to hurt you, or Zane, or ANYBODY I swear…” Bella was babbling.

Carly nudged Stephanie, who then got up, walked over and gave Bella a big hug, telling her that she forgave her. Bella held her tight, crying into her shoulder for a few moments.

The girls all nodded their satisfaction. Bella was clearly sorry for what she had done. As far as they were all concerned, they had gotten what they originally wanted.

After a few moments of silence, with Stephanie holding Bella and comforting her, Carly spoke up again.

“What about Anthony?”

Everyone’s head snapped to Carly. Oh, she was EVIL.

But Sara joined right in. “And his two friends?”

“That’s right” Carly added. “Maybe we should call them over for an apology too”

Now Bella was panicking. Would they really do that? Were they going to make her fuck ALL of those guys? She was seriously on the edge of losing what little control she had left when Stephanie saved her.

“FUCK ANTHONY!” she yelled. “Him and his friends can just fuck each other! They probably do anyway. They deserve what they got”

That was the perfect response from Stephanie, but Carly wanted some more. She still wanted payback for the boyfriend incident. She sat up straight, crossed her legs and asked Zane.

“Did you fuck her?”

Bella rolled her eyes at that and looked away.

“Yes I did.” He answered, something that they all knew he would never actually say under most circumstances. “She was very enthusiastic”

The rest of the girls were all smiling and nodding. Carly however, still wasn’t ready to give up.

“How do we know?” she asked.

This caught Zane by surprise. What? How do we know? He had already shown her the video, she already knew. Carly was going off , where was she going with this?

“What?” he asked.

“How do we know you fucked her? She could have just paid you off, everyone knows her family’s loaded” Carly said.

Bella’s eyes bulged again. What? The only reason she had done any of this was for a fucking scholarship! Her family was far, far from loaded.

Nikki spoke up “Show them the video!”

Zane pulled out his phone again and handed it back to Carly. The girls all gathered around making a show of watching the video. Lots of oohs and ahhs and damns.

“That could be anybody” Carly said.

Ashley added “Yeah, I mean yeah that’s clearly Bella, but I can’t be sure that’s Zane. That could be a tape she made with her boyfriend”

Bella felt trapped again.

Carly stared Bella down. Then she spoke up again.

“I want to see you do it” she said.

Everyone looked at her, unsure of what she was saying.

“I want to watch you fuck her. Right here. Right now. In front of everybody”

Bella’s jaw dropped.

Zane grinned back at Carly thinking “You devious, evil bitch!”

Zane answered Carly’s request “I’m really not quite ready to do that.”

Carly understood exactly what Zane was saying. She stood up, walked over to Zane and took Bella’s leash from him.

She gave a little pull on the leash and said to Bella, “Why don’t you come sit with us for a couple minutes”

Then she turned to Nikki and said “YOU can take care of Zane.”

Nikki didn’t understand. She just looked at Carly, confused.

Carly cleared things up for her. “He can’t fuck your friend with a limp dick Nikki, get on your knees and get him as hard as you can”

Nikki had thought she could get out of this just hanging in the background. Carly had just thrust her front and center. She thought about it for a second, then decided that as long as they didn’t want her to fuck him, she could deal with it.

Nikki walked over, pushed Zane up against the edge of the pool table, and got down on her knees in front of him. She looked up into his eyes, smiled, and pulled his shorts down. Then his cock was in her mouth and she set about making him as hard as she possibly could.

Zane leaned back against the pool table and dropped his hands to Nikki’s head. She was doing good already. As Nikki played with his balls and sucked him to a full erection, Zane gestured to Julie. She walked over to him and then Zane whispered something into her ear. Julie looked at him with surprise for a moment, then smiled and excused herself from the room.

Meanwhile, Carly had situated Bella between herself and Ashley. As they watched Nikki going to town on Zane’s cock, Carly started to explain to Bella that this wasn’t just payback for getting Zane beat up. All the girls started to list the various offenses that Bella had pulled on each and every one of them. As they were explaining this to her, Ashley had pulled up close and run her hand up between Bella’s legs. Bella’s eyes widened as Ashley’s fingers found her hotspot.

“Gotta make sure you’re nice and wet and ready for when Nikki is done…”

Carly told her that mostly, this was payback for her humping her boyfriend at the competition last year. Yes, she had seen that. Bella was horrified and embarrassed when the girls started to list off all the things that she had done in the past, and how they all knew she was behind every one of them. She was stunned to find out she had been caught. She was downright angry when she found out that her boyfriend had been fucking some other girl behind her back for the last 6 months. Carly just laughed at her and said.

“Sucks when it happens to you doesn’t it?”

Julie popped back in through the door and shot Zane a smirk. He reached down and stopped Nikki from what she was doing, he was more than hard enough for Bella now. Carly got up and led Bella over to Zane. Bella had given up any fight that she’d had left. Zane bent her over the pool table and stepped up behind her. Carly pushed her legs apart, then Zane pushed himself up into her one more time.

For the second time, Zane was amazed at how tight she was. He still thought she had to have been a virgin when the night started. No one who’d had sex as much as everyone thought Bella had could possibly be that tight. Still, she’d said she wasn’t. So, once again, he started to pound her from behind, with all the girls watching.

Zane pounded himself into her for a long time, having already cum in her once, he had a lot more stamina this time. Bella was grunting and moaning with every thrust. The girls watching were starting to get horny themselves, and clothes started loosening up and coming off. Someone pulled open the sleeper sofa and the next thing Zane knew, Ashley was lying naked with her fingers between her legs. Carly came over, grabbed Bella’s leash and pulled her over to the bed. She directed Bella between Ashley’s legs and pushed her head right to Ashley’s waiting pussy. Bella hesitated at first, but with Ashley pulling her close, Bella got the idea.

Zane positioned himself behind Bella again and entered her once more. As Bella lapped at Ashley’s crotch tentatively, Zane drove himself as deep as he could, holding her hips tight and pulling her back against him with every thrust.

Bella had given up. She just would just do whatever she felt she needed to do to get through this night. She started first licking between Ashley’s legs but soon found herself enjoying it. She had experimented with Nikki before but they had never dared go that far. Still, it was hard for her to concentrate on what she was doing with Zane’s cock pounding into her from behind, but she didn’t really want that to stop either.

But Zane did stop. He pulled out of her. Bella had just started to relax just a bit when she felt his hands grab her hips again. Then she felt his cock slide up between her ass cheeks. It didn’t occur to her what he was doing until she felt the cool sensation of lotion being poured over her ass, and then his hands rubbing that lotion between her cheeks. Suddenly a finger pushed right up her tight butt hole.

Bella jumped, and tried to turn around to tell him to stop, but Ashley held her head right where it was. She cringed as she suddenly felt his cock slide between her ass cheeks again. Oh God, it seemed even bigger now. He pressed it up against her hole, and started to push it up into her ass. Bella whimpered. Surely this was too much! What the hell had she gotten herself into.

There was nothing Bella could do but stay there, on her hands and knees, bent over the crotch of one of her teammates, as their favorite boy drove his cock up her ass. She grunted and groaned and just waited for it to be over.

Then, Zane climbed up on the bed, straddling Ashley’s stomach. He grabbed Bella by the hair, lifted her head, and pushed his cock in her mouth before she could think to protest. She started to suck and lick and take his shaft as much as she could. In that second, she realized what was happening? Who the hell was fucking her ass?! Oh God had they called Anthony after all?! AND his friends?

Bella pulled back off Zane’s cock and looked behind her to see Carly, naked, and wearing her new toy. A big, black strap-on that had to be at least twelve inches long, and Carly was trying to get every inch of it up inside her.

Zane pulled her head back to his cock and pushed it right back into her mouth. As she was sucking, and Carly was fucking, she suddenly felt Ashley’s fingers on her clit. Bella was in sensory overload. She started to scream from the orgasm that enveloped her. Carly gave one last hard push and shoved that thing as far up inside her as she could, and Zane gave his cock just a few quick strokes before he started shooting all over her face. Some of it missed and wound up on Ashley, but she didn’t mind at all.

The other girls were cheering and screeching. It seemed like more than just them though. As she looked around the room she saw Julie and Nikki naked on one of the big recliners with their hands and lips all over each other. Sara, Stephanie, and Alexis were on the other sofa, watching the show, their clothes almost off, and exchanging kisses and touches between them every few seconds. Wait, where did Alexis come from?

Then Bella looked to the windows. The poolside windows of the rec-room were floor to ceiling along the entire wall. There were shades, but no one had ever pulled them. With the patio lights off, you couldn’t see anything out there. Of course, if you were on the deck, and the lights in the rec-room were on, it was like a stage, and everyone could see everything that was going on inside. Bella saw movement out on the patio. As it turns out, when Julie had excused herself earlier, she had slipped back to her house to invite the rest of her guests to come hang out on Zane’s deck and watch. There were at least another six or seven girls watching the whole show from the patio.

When one of the girls outside walked past the open door, Bella realized that there were people outside watching this whole thing. How many? Who? Where the hell did they all come from? Then again, did it even matter at this point?

Bella collapsed on the bed next to Ashley, who took her in her arms and cuddled her close to comfort her. After they all rested for a few minutes, Carly and the rest of the girls kicked Zane out of the room. He protested.

“Hey! This is MY house! You can’t kick me out!” he said.

Carly looked at him, standing there naked with a twelve-inch black dick hanging between her legs, and said

“Zane, girl talk. Disappear for a few minutes. We’ll come get you when we’re done”

Zane disappeared as they asked. He went upstairs for a drink and to check his phone. His parents had called saying they’d had a bit to drink and would be staying the night in the city, just as he had expected. That was a good thing.

About fifteen minutes later Julie came upstairs and told him it was safe to come back to the party. The girls had sat with Bella and explained to her how life was going to be from now on, but then comforted her and had one massive group hug. Something like that. Somehow, they were all friends again.

His arrangement with Bella still held fast, she was his pet now, she would do whatever he told her to do, but she was also theirs to command as they wished. No more plots or plans or revenge, and no more poaching each other’s boyfriends.

He had no idea how they had done it, but when he went back downstairs, Bella actually seemed in a good mood. She greeted him very sweetly and even handed him her leash, then followed him around all evening like the good little pet that she was.

The party returned back to Julies house. It became a nudist bonanza with all the girls forming pairs, or threesomes, even small groups. Some of them experimenting, some of them very well aware of what they liked and what they wanted, and Zane just walking around taking it all in. At one point, Chloe came over and whispered something in his ear that put a huge smile on his face. He handed Bella off to Carly, and then he and Chloe disappeared back through the gate to his house.

About forty-minutes later Zane and Chloe returned to Julies side of the fence. No explanations were given, not that any were needed. Zane told Julie that they were free to use his downstairs guest bedroom for the night, as well as the pull-out sofas, if she didn’t have room at her house for everyone to sleep comfortable. Some time early in the morning, all the noise died down and almost everyone finally found some time to sleep.

Zane woke up with Bella in his bed, naked, still wearing her collar and spooning up next to him as tight as could be. He looked at her sleeping, surprisingly peacefully after what she’d been through, and just admired her sexy body. As he moved, she began to stir. He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep again.

He knew she was awake now. Her hands started to explore his body until they found what she was looking for. She started to stroke his shaft. There was no pretending he was asleep now. Bella threw the covers off and devoured his cock. He was surprised. He never asked her to. Never told her to. She just went after it. After a few minutes she cuddled up to him, kissed him, and then climbed up over his belly.

She grabbed his cock and lowered herself right down onto him again, without the grimace this time. Still. SO tight. She squeezed and pumped and fucked him senseless for the next fifteen minutes, until he couldn’t stop himself from shooting every ounce of cum he could make up into her. Again.

He had to ask her one more time.

“Bella, seriously, you were a virgin yesterday, weren’t you?”

Again, she answered “Of course not”

He still didn’t really believe her.

Zane got up, put some shorts on and told Bella to wait there. He went downstairs to find Alexis, Stephanie, and Sara, all naked on the pullout sofa. He was very surprised to find Stephanie there, and naked no less! She had loosened up so much in the last couple of weeks. He took a few moments to admire Alexis, that girl was amazing. Every guy in school wanted her, and here she lay, naked on his sofa. Naturally he took pictures of everything.

He poked his head into the bedroom to find Carly and Nikki literally on top of each other. Still asleep, as if they had just passed out in the middle of what they were doing.

He went back upstairs, attached Bella to her leash and led her, naked, down to the guest bedroom. He gently woke Carly and shouted, very quietly, Happy birthday! He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss.

He looked at her and said “I got you one more thing for your birthday”

Carly smiled and said “OOOOH More? What is it? What is it?”

He handed her the leash attached to Bella’s neck and said “She’s all yours for the day. And she’ll do ANYthing you like.”

He smiled, then looked at Bella and said “Isn’t that right my pet?”

Bella didn’t say anything. She just smiled and nodded.

Written by Red Czar

What Mary gets up to...... part 5

4- My High School Sweetheart’s Little Sister- pt. 4 (sneaking back in)

Byrds of a feather

Naruto: Slave for You